Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day - Sunday, May 10, 2009

An amazing Mother's Day at Common Ground Corona

Russ, Bill, Jessica, Phyllis

Larry, Alisa, Rod (guest vocalist), Darla, Bill,
Susan, Jean, Nancy and Lee

Jean enjoying the great spread courtesy of
Bill and Molly (and neighbor)

Jessica, Phyllis, Russ and Bill

A table of happy campers (with food)

Renee and Madison. Madison has gifted Common
Ground Corona with a new logo for our Recycling
Program headed-up by Renee. "Recycle Your Heart

Russ, Jessica and Phyllis

Lee, John, Tammy, Alisa and Nancy

Chance (the happiest 10 year-old I know) and Jean
(the happiest 30-something I know). What a pair!

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