Thursday, November 12, 2009

Annual Fall Yard Sale, Sat, November 7th, 2009

Another successful yardsale. It was wonderful to have
our own place to hold the sale this year - we even had
Chanse and Gonzalo waving in the cars!

A great big Thank You! to Karen for organizing this

It was incredible just how many people showed up to
get set-up at 5:00 am and came throughout the
entire day to help!

Susan, Gonzalo and Greg

Bill, Darla, Susan

Renee, Karen, Madison



Leticia and Gonzalo


Chanse, Jessica and Molly

Patrick arrived before all of us to 'build' ropes from
the trees to hang chandeliers and clothes.

Susan and Andrea

Briana and Molly


Andrea playing dress-up:)

Chanse and Briana

Susan, Madison, Briana and Valerie

Patrick and Karen

Greg, Gonzalo and Susan

Leticia and Molly

Denyse, Andrea and Jean

Bill and Renee

Andrea and Jean

Chanse just loves to help and we are so grateful!
Thank you to everyone who helped set-up, sell,
clean up and who donated items - truly a
community effort!

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